Invest In Your Pets Wellbeing
Your pets health is super important to us. Our Groomers are not just here to give your pet a cute haircut. We want your pets to live long, happy and healthy lives.
Most of dogs who have to be groomed see their Groomer more than their Veterinarian. We are your dogs first line of defense when it comes to medical conditions. When you see your dog every day, sometimes lumps and bumps are missed. We also blow dry with a velocity dryer so we see your dogs entire body to the skin.

Above is a photo of Terri’s dog Milenko celebrating his 14th birthday on January 11th 2023. If you follow @Bizcutsgrooming on instagram you’ve probably also seen the video of him doing a few of his tricks. He’s definitely stiff and slower than his younger sport days but he still has spunk. He rarely ever has to go to the vet and has never had a dental.
She knows how to keep dogs healthy from her Veterinary Science knowledge, personal research, and countless hours in the animal field.
Terri has passed her knowledge onto her apprentices who are now professional Groomers as well. You can trust the Bizcuts team will make sure you know about every medical thing that is going on with your dog. They will always recommend you take your dog to their Veterinarian if something suspicious were to come up!.
Our History
Our track record speaks for itself really. Collectively we have found countless ear infections, skin issues, allergy problems and more.
Our most rewarding cases are of Chloe, Belle and Miles.
Miss Chloe got done every 4 weeks like clockwork. While being bathed we noticed lumps on her neck that were not there the month before. Upon further inspection she had lumps on both side of her body; in the armpit, groin, and thigh areas. Once her groom was finished we explained to her mommy what we had found. She was brought to the Vet right away and it was concluded that Chloe had a very fast moving type of Lymphoma. She was immediately treated for this using various methods and outlived her diagnosis for over a month then the Veterinarians prediction. Although she is no longer physically with us anymore she will never be forgotten. And we are so grateful her family got those few extra months with her.

Belle and Miles were 2 of our clients who had both developed a Thyroid condition. Two separate households, lifestyles and time in 2021, Belle and Miles came into the van with some yucky skin issues. After insisting they go to the vet for more tests not just antibiotics, they were able to get to the bottom of their skin issues which turned out to be an underlying Thyroid condition! They have since been put on their medications and their skin has significantly improved.