About Us
What makes us different from other companies is when you join the Bizcuts Family your pet is treated as if they were our own. We want your pets to be safe, happy and healthy. We have a track record for finding abnormalities that wouldn’t normally be found on a day to day basis with your pet. These have been minor skin issues that resulted in thyroid conditions to finding lumps that were lymphoma.
Our Groomers are constantly continuing their education to stay up to date with the newest grooming trends and safety protocols. We use products made specifically for pets to ensure the least possible risk of allergic reaction. We take classes on proper skin care, first aid, hot new trends and more. To us, grooming is more than “Just a haircut”.
Our Mission is to help you keep your pet living a long, happy and healthy life. Your pet sees their groomer more often than their Veterinarian. So we are focused on informing you of any and all abnormalities. Anything that should be seen and/or taken care of by your Veterinarian, from a minor ear infection to a concerning lump and beyond.