Our Policies

Appointment Times:
Please have someone available up to 1 (one) hour before and 1 (one) hour after your scheduled appointment time This should be someone who is capable of handing the groomer your dog.
The reason for this policy is that we are working with live animals which can be very unpredictable. We may run behind schedule or we may finish the previous groom early, it is all based on the condition of the coat and temperament of the dog. We may hit traffic, there may be an accident or we might hit some construction. Please note that we are a commercial sized vehicle so we are not allowed on Parkways and must take “backroads” to get to some appointments as well.
Our time is just as precious as yours and we like to get every single customer accommodated to the best of our ability. If there is nobody home at the time the groomer arrives (within the 1 hour before and 1 after after time frame) you will be charged according to our lateness fees listed on our pricing page.
Pottying Your Dog:
Please have your dog pottied before the groomer arrives at your home. If your dog has a sensitive stomach when stressed please skip the meal before your appointment. If your dog consistently has accidents in the van we will charge a sanitation fee for having to clean and sanitize the van before the next customers appointment.
Also if your dogs meal is scheduled around your appointment time please wait until after they are groomed. By skipping/postponing the meal it should be easier on your dogs stomach because it will be empty.
All cancellations must be done at least 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time. If your cancellation is last minute (the night before, or day of) you will be expected to pay 100% of your groom total, which will be due before your next scheduled appointment. Please be courteous of our time as it is how the company and the groomer make their money. A lost appointment means lost wages.
If you consistently cancel last minute or have not paid your cancellation fee prior to the next appointment, Bizcuts reserves the right to remove you from the groomers schedule. When you cancel last minute we can not fill the spot with someone who is waiting for an appointment.
Currently Bizcuts is only accepting Cash, Check or Venmo.
Please note that if you pay by check we will need to add tax. Checks need to be made out to Bizcuts Grooming Inc .
If you pay by Venmo there will be tax and a service fee added to your bills total.
Payment is due in full at the end of the grooming service
Bizcuts requires proof of the rabies vaccine.
For New Customers, you must show proof before the groomer arrives for your first appointment. You can email a copy, send a photo via text or have your veterinarian email it to us.